Essays: Counter Area
In the counter area you see large prints on very special papers. While the Joshua Tree pano is printed on Kodak Ektalure paper, I chose the lovely Fomabrom Variant IV 123 FB paper for the other three. It has been my fav paper of the last 10 years when it comes to lith printing. The prints are examples of the range this paper has been offering me to work with. It can be used perfectly for my Blacks & Light aesthetics and for a more grainy and subtle look which I call Luminous Grain.
Hongkong park leaves, a sunset in Joshua Tree NP, napkin and fork and palm leaves - pictures from travels near and far, visual doors to memories, to emotions and desires.
All prints hand-printed by myself in lith printing technique. And all for sale.
- Joshua Tree NP, CA, August 2017. Lith print on Kodak Ektalure paper, €900.
- Hongkong, August 2018. Single lith print on 20x24 inch Fomabrom Variant IV 123 FB paper, €1100.
- Bellevue, WA, December 2019. Single lith print on 20x24 inch Fomabrom Variant IV 123 FB paper, €1100.
- Frankfurt, May 2015. Lith print on 20x24 inch Fomabrom Variant IV 123 FB paper, €1100.