Essays: Upper Level Blacks & Light Wall
![Featured image](/images/exhibitions/ndcc-23/upper-level-center-triptych.jpg)
This wall in the upper-level room is dedicated to the blacks. Hence, the lith prints all share the special look I go for with Blacks & Light aesthetics.
The central triptych is dominated by a superwide picture of the NYC skyline on 20x24 inch Kodak Ektalure paper. This print is being flanked by two square prints done on Fomatone MG 131 paper.
All prints were done by me in small editions using lith printing technique. All are for sale.
Austin, TX, August 2019. Lith print on 12x16 inch paper, €500.
Everglades, FL, March 2016. Lith print on 12x16 inch paper, €500.
Part of the essay about my visual language, #1 of 5. Lith print on 24x30 cm paper, €200.
Ullapool, Scotland, August 2015. Lith print on 12x16 inch paper, €500.
NYC Skyline, January 2019. Lith print on 20x24 inch Kodak Ektalure paper, €1100. 1 sold, 1 available.